As followers of Christ, we are called to love and serve others in His name.

Tuscarora supports missions such as:

~  Sunnyside

~  Blanket Sunday

~  Operation Christmas Child

~  Four-Cents-A-Meal Hunger Program

~  One Great Hour of Sharing

~  Christmas Joy Offering


~  Berkeley County Meals on Wheels

~  Bethany House

~  Salvation Army

~  Massanetta Springs

~  Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission

~  Heifer International

~  Presbyterian Disaster Assistance


Mission @ Massanetta

In summer of 2016, a group of 12 people from Tuscarora – children, youth and adults – were able to spend 3 days at Massanetta Springs in Harrisonburg, VA.  The youth and adults worked in the Harrisonburg area community making much needed repairs for local low-income residents, while the young children and some of the adults engaged in mission work on the campus of Massanetta Springs.


We are excited to announce that this year’s summer mission trip to Massanetta Springs will take place June 11 – 14, 2017!  All members and friends of Tuscarora are invited to become a part of the Mission@Massanetta team.  Info sheets are available in the narthex, or click here for more information.



Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission  Needs:

February – Paper Products

March – Laundry and Cleaning Supplies

April – First Aid Supplies


Please bring all Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission items to the church and place them in the box located in the narthex.   We encourage everyone to bring something for the Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission on the second Sunday of each month, as the second Sunday each month is now called Mission Emphasis Sunday.

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